Mary Anne and Too Many Boys: “Crabs for Grabs”

“Not enough boys” is more like it! Emily rants about public pools, Esme revels in Sea City, and Anne has a thing or two to say about Mary Anne’s “unrealistically mature” ice cream flavor preferences. We discuss crushes and how bummed we are that MA didn’t dump Logan, and also have some friendly Pike criticism. This also marks the first time your hosts play “Candy Store.” It’s as riveting as it sounds.

“Stuck in Stoneybrook” is edited by Emily Crandall. Theme song written and recorded by Gary Shaller, performed by the band Kid Kit. Need some books that we mentioned? Buy them from our Bookshop bookstore. If you’re feeling dibbly generous, rate and review us on iTunes. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for. Last but not least, thank you to Ann M. Martin, for everything.


Stacey and the Mystery of Stoneybrook: “Even spirits like junk food”


Claudia and the Great Search: “Hoshikawa or Hoshino”