Claudia and the Great Search: “Hoshikawa or Hoshino”

Janine wins her “ten millionth award” and Claudia concludes she must be adopted! Esme loves this as a metaphor for adolescent identity development, but Anne and Em are just… whelmed. We discuss the neoliberalization of colleges (appropos of Janine and her community college courses) and reflect more on racism, racism, and “Asian-ness” in Stoneybrook (we see you, Timmy Hsu!). Also, Claudia is a creative genius and really helps Emily Michelle and we are all touched by it. Plus a return of the BSC Big 5!

“Stuck in Stoneybrook” is edited by Emily Crandall. Theme song written and recorded by Gary Shaller, performed by the band Kid Kit. Need some books that we mentioned? Buy them from our Bookshop bookstore. If you’re feeling dibbly generous, rate and review us on iTunes. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for. Last but not least, thank you to Ann M. Martin, for everything.


Mary Anne and Too Many Boys: “Crabs for Grabs”


Kristy and the Secret of Susan: “What’s up? Mento?” (ft. Dr. Whitney Ence!)