SS1 Baby-sitters on Board: “Get real, you baby-sitters”

IT’S THE FIRST SUPER SPECIAL! Truth be told—this was weirder than we remember and decided that the Super Specials take place in some kind of BSC alternate reality. Emily/Dawn wasn’t feeling it, especially about how cruises are bad for the environment (like, horrible) and local economies. But, still—best friends, adventures, Disney World. Let’s allow ourselves to live in the fantasy, shall we? Cue the ship horn! And, P.S. The boys on this cruise are the worst.

FYI Links:
Not a bad summary of Kohlberg's moral development work
Read this before you think about getting on that floating resort
What gives, Carnival? Why you gotta be a jerk?

“Stuck in Stoneybrook” is edited by Emily Crandall. Theme song written and recorded by Gary Shaller, performed by the band Kid Kit. Need some books that we mentioned? Buy them from our Bookshop bookstore. If you’re feeling dibbly generous, rate and review us on iTunes. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for. Last but not least, thank you to Ann M. Martin, for everything.


Goodbye Stacey, Goodbye: “Bigludium exforbinated”


Claudia and the New Girl: “Club of fools”