Portrait Collection: Malia Baker

We were honored to have activist and actress Malia Baker join Emily and Esme in the “studio” (ok fine, Esme’s closet, Emily’s office, and a random business center in an LA hotel). We discuss social media and activism, reducing mental health stigma, representation, and her negotiations with her mom for her acting career. Also junk food and boys and her friendships with all those amazing BSC girls! She’s completely adorable! Enjoy it!

She’s The First, one of the many organizations Malia supports! 
The original “Smarties v. Pencils” theory of mind study in preschoolers (Correction: Alison Gopnik taught Esme about Smarties v. Pencils but she did not do the original studies, see below!)
YouTube video of the Smarties task


Kristy and the Baby Parade: “Barbie—Dress—Dancing!”


Portrait Collection: Shay Rudolph