Dawn and the Impossible Three: “Bonsai!”
Emily cries a lot because her childhood memory of herself as Dawn is even more accurate than expected. Oh, the emotional labor! We are fired up about a lot of things in this episode, including the white washing of 1700s Connecticut and class wars in Stoneybrook (spoiler: they’re between rich white people). And hey, was Dawn hinting at global climate change, or just being a Californian? P.S. STRANGER DANGER!
FYI Links:
A historian’s take on stranger abduction panic
Data on the incidence of stranger abductions in the 1980s
Missing kids on milk cartons
“Stuck in Stoneybrook” is edited by Emily Crandall. Theme song written and recorded by Gary Shaller, performed by the band Kid Kit. Need some books that we mentioned? Buy them from our Bookshop bookstore. If you’re feeling dibbly generous, rate and review us on iTunes. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for. Last but not least, thank you to Ann M. Martin, for everything.